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Horror Stories and Popular Perceptions of Folklore Study
【演者】ジェフリー?A?トルバート 氏(ペンシルベニア州立大学ハリスバーグ校助教授)
【会場】3号館3階大会議室(オンライン視聴併用) 澳门网上博彩_澳门现金网-在线官网へのアクセス
アメリカの民俗学(folklore study)は、研究理論?方法の「パフォーマンス的転回performance turn」(規範や構造から実際の行動やそれが発生する文脈への焦点の転換)や「反省的転回reflexive turn」(調査研究等における研究者側の自己反省?批判の開始)の影響を受け、20世紀末に大きな転換を遂げました。今日の民俗学は、言語人類学や文化人類学と密接に関連した特定の伝承文化を体系的に把握?記述する民族誌(民俗誌)的な学問分野となっており、民俗学者たちは自分たちの研究を「ヴァナキュラー(地域に根付いた)文化」、すなわち誰もが毎日関わっている普通の日常文化の研究と位置付けています。
Horror Stories and Popular Perceptions of Folklore Study
American folklore study underwent a major shift at the end of the 20th century under the influence of the "performance turn" (a shift in focus from norms and structures to actual behavior and the contexts in which it occurs) and the "reflexive turn" (a focus on the role of the ethnographer in the research encounter). Contemporary folklore study is an ethnographic discipline, closely related to linguistic and cultural anthropology, and folklorists call the processes they study "vernacular culture": ordinary, everyday culture in which everyone is engaged every day of their lives.
Although the study of folklore has changed greatly in the last 100+ years, the way non-academics think about folklore has remained largely the same. In this talk, I will point out the lag between representations of folklore in popular culture and academic folklore study, using the example of horror stories based on folklore, which have gained worldwide popularity across a variety of genres. I will argue that the understandings of folklore represented in these works stem primarily from the 19th and early 20th centuries. I will also argue that folklorists must work together across institutional and national borders to establish a clear sense of disciplinary identity.