「成城 学びの森」コミュニティー?カレッジ
Do writers’ images reflect the realities of Japan? We’ll look for common themes in representations of Japan between 1878 and the present; in fiction and non-fiction (short stories, essays and extracts from novels and travel writing); and in serious literature (Nobel prize winners) and popular fiction (James Bond, 007). Our chosen authors are both Japanese and non-Japanese: how are they writing for and about the Japanese? and how are they interpreting Japan for their international readers? Finally, do we like and/ or agree with their versions of Japan? We’ll aim to match the variety of our texts with the variety of our discussions, from serious to light-hearted.
(1) Course introduction; read and discuss extract from Isabella Bird, Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
(2) Read and discuss ジュリ?オーツカJulie Otsuka’s Come, Japanese!
(3) Read and discuss extract from Ian Fleming, You Only Live Twice
(4) Read and discuss 川端 康成’s Japan, the Beautiful and Myself「美しい日本の私」
(5) Read and discuss Angela Carter’s A Souvenir of Japan
(6) Read and discuss カズオ?イシグロKazuo Ishiguro’s A Family Supper
(7) Read and discuss 大江 健三郎’s Japan, the Ambiguous and Myself「あいまいな日本の私」; concluding discussion
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〒157-8511 東京都世田谷区成城6-1-20 Tel.03-3482-9031 Fax.03-3482-9467