「成城 学びの森」コミュニティー?カレッジ
In 2015, my course was concerned with the history of the Cold War era, and in the spring of 2016 it covered films and television programs that reflected the anxieties of this period. A natural way to follow up on these themes is to examine the recent past and contemporary period that could be called the Post-Soviet world order. We will examine the myths and realities of the last days of the Soviet Union, and follow the transition of Russia from being perceived by America in the 1990s as an “economic basket case” to the present view of it as an “existential threat.” We will study such writers as Mikhail Gorbachev, American historian Stephen F. Cohen, and Nobel Prize winner Svetlana Alexievich, among others. We will also view short documentaries and press conferences with Vladimir Putin, and read news editorials that exemplify the so-called “propaganda war”.
(1) Perestroika, glasnost and Mikhail Gorbachev
(2) The last days of the Soviet Union
(3) Collapse, chaos and shock therapy: the reign of Boris Yeltsin
(4) American and Russian cooperation in nuclear disarmament: from 60,000 nukes to 14,000 nukes
(5) 2000-2005: Vladimir Putin, the war on terror, and chilled American-Russian relations
(6) Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, Crimea
(7) Vladimir Putin’s press conferences with foreign media
(8) Propaganda wars, NATO expansion and the war in Syria
More information and links to resources will be posted on the course web page :
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